Wednesday, July 2, 2014

We're not in town anymore! Part 1

Hello, friends!  Once again it has been a while since I've written.  I don't think I am cut out to be an honest to goodness blogger.  I think I am more or less an "only when I remember to write" kind of blogger.  

I was born and raised in a smallish town (20,000).  My grandpas were both farmers, but I wasn't what you would call a farm girl.  Funny how things work out.  After graduating from college I was planning to move to Chicago and continue my career teaching music.  Hmmmm.  I started dating a fellow I knew from high school and, whammo!  I was hooked.  I married a farmer.

Being a farm wife is different.  Living in the country is different.  Being told I don't need to drive 10 miles into town to get Dairy Queen was down right cruel!  I soon learned the value of going to the grocery store in the evening.  Not to mention DQ was on the way home!  A girl had to have her peanut Buster parfait when the urge arrived.

I had to mow our yard today and I was thinking about all of the things I have learned living on the farm that I may not have learned otherwise.  The post would be way too long for Facebook, so here I am.

* Every farm wife needs a good pair of garden gloves.  They are the little black dress of the farm world.  Who wants to actually touch the dead mouse when you have to take it out of the trap?  Who wants nasty black grease on their newly manicured hands?

* Mowing our yard takes 3 1/2 hours.  Using a riding lawnmower.  It gives a girl time to think.  As I said I had time to think about all these wonderful things I wanted to write about today!!

* If you get bored mowing, you can entertain yourself following a carefully crafted pattern to your mowing.  Today was "kick the grass away from the center (counter clockwise).

* Do not wear 'Fresh' lip gloss in Berry when mowing in windy conditions.  Glitter looks cool on models lips, cut grass…not so much.

* Even when you carefully consider plan a life changing event, do not allow the date to coincide with the planting or the harvest season.  Those two 'seasons' are not all inclusive, remember there is grain to haul, tillage work,  roadsides to mow, equipment to be repaired, lawns and other farms to mow…the list never seems to end. Thank goodness we do not have livestock anymore.  My hat's off to those farmers with livestock, it is pretty much 24/7.  None-the-less, I was left to sit by myself the morning I started with the first twinges of labor because my favorite farmer husband had one last field of beans to plant. Good thing the baby was not so eager to make an appearance.  He finished planting with twelve hours to lounge about watching me suffer!  What a wonderful little present I got at the end!

* One must learn the intricacies of the farm water system.  Until about 10 years ago, we got our water from a well and a cistern.  The cistern collected rainwater and it was used for showers, dishes, and laundry.  The well was used specifically for drinking water and to flush the toilets.  It took me forever to learn the difference, I finally figured out hot and cold water came from the cistern and only cold water came from the well.  We were one of the first families to sign up for a rural water program.  I was more than glad to pay someone to have a steady supply of water.  I was also glad I no longer had to be the one to tell my favorite, very tired farmer husband-who has been working for 16 hours straight- that we ran out of water in the cistern.  It never failed that the truck he put the water tank in was filled with grain to haul to the elevator or out of commission because he hadn't had time to fix it.  Or, it would be 25 degrees outside with a windchill of 0 when I had to deliver the "bad" news.  Yay for city water.

* People who live in town do not understand what happens to snow in the country.  Well, at least our part of the country.  It is flat.  Very flat.  We can see 20 miles in every direction.  When the wind is blowing, the snow starts to drift.  My nearest neighbor lives a quarter mile away.  There is literally nothing to stop the snow.  It starts to pile up around the buildings and in the roads because of the ditches.  We have one township road commissioner who has a fellow that helps out during the winter.  Our township covers around 55 square miles.  The snow plow does not plow our roads until after the snow has stopped and the wind quits blowing, or lays down.  There were days I could not get to work because of the snow and everyone who lived in town or on a main highway had no problem getting to the job.

Enough for today.  Mowing takes it out of a girl…time for an adult beverage and a nice comfy chair.    

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

To blog, or not to blog!

OMG!  How embarrassing!  It has been one year since I last posted ANYTHING on my blog. "Why?", you may ask.  I have several reasons   The first of which is I felt I was writing mainly to myself.  I am not a celebrity with ads flashing all over my screen.  The stats do not indicate there is anyone looking at my blog on a regular basis.  HMMMM, that is something I will address in another post.  Why haven't I posted in over a year?  I was involved in living my life…which is very normal and not particularly exciting.  For me there is nothing more exciting to me than having a loyal fan base, but to have such I would have to WORK.  By nature, I am a different creature. There are so many things I would rather do than work…especially now that I am retired.    I love to work, do not get me wrong.  However, work is not my life.  My life is so much more than my job. My life is my family, my friends, my husband, and myself.  I don't always know what I want, however I do know what I don't want.  I believe it is more important to know this than it is to know what I do want.

In the end, I apologize to anyone who may have read my entries and were waiting for others.  I do appreciate  your support.  I would encourage you to leave a comment so I know whether you enjoy or despise my entries.  I hope you have all had a good year, good health, and lots of love.  If not, I am sorry it did not happen for you this year.  Do not despair, life truly gets better!!  I know this for a fact, several times over.  Until the next time I post, be kind and be gracious.