Saturday, February 23, 2013

A New Beginning

Hello Friends!  This is my first blog under my newly renamed account. As such, I thought it helpful to explain how I came up with the title, "When I Get To Be Queen". I recently retired after a 24 year career in the Student Affairs division of a midwestern university. I worked in the office which monitored student conduct. Definitely not your typical profession.  If I was asked to over simplify what I actually did, I would have to say I was a surrogate mom, the voice of reason. I believe, more often than not, I was able to have a positive impact on the lives of the students with whom I had contact.  However, many of these young adults had to deal with serious consequences resulting from their unfortunate decisions. It was during this time I started using the phrase, "When I get to be queen...(fill in the blank). It seemed to be a good way to lighten my daily routine.  I loved my job, however; it was super stressful.

When I get to be queen, each of us will know which check-out line is the fastest. When I get to be queen, all husbands will automatically know the perfect gift to get us for our birthday or anniversary.    When I get to be queen, there will be no witnesses to observe us tripping over our own feet while walking down the hall. I believe my sense of humor helped me remain sane in the midst of daily craziness not only at work, but also at home. I hope to share my sense of humor, which has served me so well, with each of you.  I hope to be a little ray of sunshine in your day.